Once upon a time in a village by the sea lived a spry and happy girl, little darlin’ Patti Lee. In her garden she would play quite imaginary games: all her flowers sweetly sing, and her trees do dance with rain. She makes everyone so glad, makes them very very glad. In the cottage window sits, watching her while she’s at play, an old soldier who’s returned from a war far far away. In his mind he’s still at war fighting battles fought before. When he loses them again, sleep does save him with a snore. Patti Lee keeps at her play; a flat rock becomes tea tray. ‘Cross the sea there still is war where young men are dying for causes that can save the world -- causes well worth dying for. One young soldier’s in the front thinking of his cottage yard where his daughter is at play, where rose petals are her cards. Being gone is very hard, O so very very hard. This young soldier and his dad people say are really mad, fighting wars so far away while a good life could be had working in the village streets as a constable, a cop, keeping home fires glowing warm as sweet Patti spins a top. Patti Lee keeps at her play all the while her dad’s away. When he comes back safe and sound, tales of war he will not tell as he plays out in the yard helping Patti build a well. All the pain he suffered there in a moment flees away ‘cos he sees in Patti’s eyes the reward of all he’s paid -- Patti Lee can freely play, she can freely freely play.
He’s a Tiny Little Man*
He's a tiny little man though he's over six feet tall with a puny little job but he acts like lord of all. When he strides into the room he demands from you respect though to you he will give none as he closely does inspect every tiny little jot of the work that he demands, and if things are not just right then out flies a reprimand. Yes, we surely all desire in the rubbish him to toss, but we never have the nerve 'cos that guy is still the boss.
* Original rap by Brian Grim (page 97 in Grim’s New Fairy Tales).
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