Odds and ends

A Business for Peace Anthem 

In all our commerce let us be 
honest and true to those in need.
  Peace be with you, peace be with you.
Remember well the greater good,
empowering every neighborhood.
  Peace be with you, peace be with you.  
  Peace be with you, peace be with you.

Masters of business hear this call,
work for the good of one and all.
  Peace be with you, peace be with you.
Let mind, heart, soul inspire your hands
to fruitful labor in all lands.
  Peace be with you, peace be with you.  
  Peace be with you, peace be with you.

Entrepreneurs, both near and far,
apply your vision, reach the stars.
  Peace be with you, peace be with you.
Allow the light from far above
illuminate the work you love.
  Peace be with you, peace be with you.  
  Peace be with you, peace be with you.

Employers daily pause and see
each worker’s given dignity.
  Peace be with you, peace be with you.
Do unto them just as you would
want them to do to you what’s good.
  Peace be with you, peace be with you.  
  Peace be with you, peace be with you.

Let all our faith communities
for others foster charity.
  Peace be with you, peace be with you.
If you can help to show the way,
others will see and also say:
  Peace be with you, peace be with you.  
  Peace be with you, peace be with you.

Let every student join this quest:
Help business pass a greater test.
  Peace be with you, peace be with you.
Success in any industry 
is lifting lives from poverty.
  Peace be with you, peace be with you.  
  Peace be with you, peace be with you.

In all our commerce let us be 
honest and true to those in need.
  Peace be with you, peace be with you.
Remember well the greater good,
empowering every neighborhood.
  Peace be with you, peace be with you.  
  Peace be with you, peace be with you.

The Span of Life

The span of his life
  was wider than most
on the day that he
  finally gave up his ghost.

And as his ghost rose
  and said its goodbye,
all the flowers turned upward
​  and birds filled the sky.

He said, “Set your hearts
  on God up above;
there’s no need to worry –
  our Father is Love.

The fruits of his life
  are mercy and peace,
which lift him to heaven
  to join the great feast.